RBG collaborates with targeted "best practice" agents and brokers; adding value to their business relationships. We work with entrepreneurial agents, identifying distinct opportunities for change within employer benefit packages while developing implementable strategies on every case.
RBG takes a dynamic approach endeavoring to have employers view their health and benefit plans like they do their other corporate assets. RBG works with the broker to analyze risks, to outline deficiencies within existing plans and to promote effective strategies which provide adequate and appropriate coverage for employer groups.
We partner with our brokers to present these unique strategies in the field and then work behind the scenes to help monitor the progress of these strategies with carrier reporting and analytics. Our goal is to help our brokers write and keep good business using the latest technology and information to guide our strategies and tactics.
- 240 Main Street
- Farmington, CT 6032
- Phone: 860-677-6696
- Fax: 860-677-5098
- hartford@rogersbenefit.com
Jason Whipple
Julie ChubetEmail: jchubet@rogersbenefit.com
Karin BascettaEmail: kbascetta@rogersbenefit.com
Katie JenkinsEmail: kjenkins@rogersbenefit.com
Keri KobrynEmail: kkobryn@rogersbenefit.com
Nicole PhoenixEmail: nphoenix@rogersbenefit.com
Kelly LeblancEmail: kleblanc@rogersbenefit.com
Sara Mangiafico